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It Ain't Easy Bein' a Diva!

This doesn't always occur, however, some alopecians experience not only hair loss, but some types of skin irritatons and nail loss. It depends on the types of alopecia one might have and the individual. Some medications may even cause these conditions.

Yeah, I know, boring stuff right?...But for us divas this is major business!

I pride myself on keeping my manicures​ and pedicures up to par! There's nothing like going out with your honey on a romantic dinner date and the lighting creates this ambiance which causes my beautifully manicured nails to glow and my stylishly showcased pedicure in my 3 inch heels to shine like they're on display in a gallery. I don't know why but something about having a fresh mani-pedi, gripping the stem of a wine glass, crossing my legs, and staring into my Honey's eyes makes me glow all over. I would think that my Honey would enjoy this as well.

But I digress...How can you feel good in a setting like this with nails looking like that? ( See photos below). What does one do when these little challenges crop up? Well, I guess it's different for everybody. I can only speak from my experience. I've had a few successful solutions as well as some epic fails to say the least.

Here are some things one could possibly try:

Cancel the date

Ball my hands into knuckles and curl my toes under while. wearing some flip flops.

Constantly lick my lips to distract my Honey from looking down at my hands and feet.

Tell my date the truth about what happened. ( This might make me paranoid. I'd just keep thinking he is staring.)

Some better suggestions:

For on the fly repairs try cutting pieces of tea bag, placing on the nail ( provided there is no infection ) then paint with clear acrylic nail polish. Paint with nail color.

You can purchase store bought adhesive tape for nails which you can do the same thing as the tea bag method.

Most importantly, you must treat the underlying problem by either by treating internally with supplements and antibiotics or topical treatments such as creams or ointments.

As it stands, this disease called alopecia continues to evolve in the most unexpected ways. I'm bald from not having hair and sometimes not having nails. Who knew?

Thank GOD I have skin and the where with all to recognize my blessings!

In the end it's all in a day in the life of an alopecian.

And Nothing will stop me from being a diva! I just have to work a little differently and a little harder than some.

"Be bald and be happy!"

Love~Crowned Regal

Instagram @crownedregal




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